Event Assessment Form

Click the “Download” button to download and fill the assessment form. After completion, click on the “File Upload” box to upload the assessment form or any other documents related. Then click the “submit” button to upload a document.

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click the Submit button to sumbit form. To keep our community safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Public Health Authority requests additional information from anyone wishing to host an event on the Tule River Indian Reservation or its properties which includes attendees from more than 3 households. Upon receipt of this form, the PHA will assess the risk level of the event then pass this information to the Tule River Tribal Government to approve or disapprove the event. During COVID-19, no event can be risk free. Anyone attending an event should be aware that gatherings increase their risk of contracting COVID-19. Instructions: The ‘host’ of the event must complete the form below. Please return no later than business 5 days before the event to pha@tulerivertribe-nsn.gov or in-person at the Tule River Indian Health Clinic, Inc (TRIHCI)